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To book Nick or a partner DJ at one of your upcoming events, complete the form below, and include the date, location, hours, and type of event. PLEASE include your PHONE NUMBER with your message, as some return e-mails me be filtered and sent to your spam or promotions folder for e-mail, and could be missed. You will receive a text message confirmation once your inquiry has been answered !  Thank you for your interest !  You can expect a response within a few minutes to one business day !


For an immediate response or if you are in need of a DJ now!, due to an emergency no show or cancellation please call or text Nick 484.529.1238

Screen Shot 2018-09-26 at 12.43.36
​tel:​ 484-529-1238



You will be contacted shortly. Thank you !

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Payment Methods:

Cash or Check    

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